Saturday, June 30, 2012

Little Mrs. Sensitive

Dear Ella,

You have such a sensitive spirit. The other day, you swiped my face with your hand. I pretended to cry to get your attention, resulting in you busting out in tears of anguish. Today, while watching Signing Time, the babies were crying on the screen. Next thing I knew, so were you. Oh, sweet Ella. Never loose that sensitive and compassionate spirit.

I love you.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Water Button

Dear Ella,

You learned how to push the water button on the fridge to dispense water. Then you figured out how to hold down the button and stick your hand under it at the same time. Your beautiful independent spirit refuses to cease this new-found excitement even when water is running all over the floor. Now, you are only allowed to push it while flowing into a glass. This way we don't waste water or mommy's sanity.

I love you.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Waldo Canyon Fire

Dear Ella,

So I suppose  I should be recording major things that are happening around this time in your life, more than just the things that are within our household.  

The past few days have been EXTREMELY hot! It was 105 in the Springs yesterday. Today our house registered 93 degrees. Sooo hot! Because of this, you have had trouble sleeping ( I think you were up 6 times last night). We moved camp into the basement, it's probably only 80 degrees down there. An improvement though. 

Along with this drought, extreme heat, and Colorado summer wind, it's inevitable to have fires. Despite the statewide burn ban things happen and fires start.

Yesterday, Waldo Canyon caught on fire. Immediately we could see the smoke from our house rising to the right side of the Peak. 

Today, the fire has spread to over 2,500 acres, over 11,000 people have been evacuated. The smoke in the sky is sickening and the smell is even worse.

In spite of all this chaos and destruction, God allowed us to see the most BEAUTIFUL sunset tonight. I wish I would have had my camera as I rode my bike up to the hill.

All I could think of as I rode was Isaiah 61:3 and the Crystal Lewis song lyrics...
" He gives beauty for ashes
strength for fear
gladness for mourning
peace for despair"

-love, mommy

Friday, June 22, 2012


Craft weekend was upon me. I felt the need and had most of the materials for a couple of projects that I wanted to tackle so...away we went!

First, I had my heart set on making fabric envelopes for our cash budgeting system. I was really tired of having crinkled paper envelopes that  I had to remake every month. And, these envelopes (made from the most BEAUTIFUL fabric) were just the motivation I needed to stick with it! I found the tutorial here Don't mind my interim paper labels:)

Second, I saw this beautiful laptop case: I didn't really NEED one; but, I figured we are traveling a few times in the next two months, and   don't care to drag my computer bag along. I also had all of the materials, so I couldn't resist:).

Next legs!


Thursday, June 21, 2012


Dear Ella,

Daddy took some really fun videos of you over the past few days. I love the way you play at this age. Starting to sequence pretend play and understanding so much of what we say. Absolutely fun! Here is the video...


Naked Cheese

Dear Ella,

You are OBSESSED with the refrigerator. Maybe because we spend most of the day opening and closing it; maybe because you know that's where the good stuff is. Either way, you make a B-line as soon as we open it. You also love being naked. And you love cheese. I'll say those traits are your father's.

love mommy.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Zoo (Take 15)

Dear Ella, 
We went to the zoo for a quick afternoon activity. It was a beautiful day. You loved trying out your new walking legs. We fed the birds for the first time! Overall, great trip!!

Video of the birds!

Measuring you against the Giraffe leg

Lovin the Gorillas!



Sun Dog

Dear Ella,

Mahlah Dog will go to great lengths to find the sun and lay in it. See her down there. Yep,  right there in the only sunny spot of the driveway. Any further and she'd be in the street. That's your dog.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Step Up!

Dear Ella,

Daddy and I found this perfectly sized step stool at Salvation Army when we were back in Iowa. Let's be honest, it was hideous! There was a cat painting wrapped around the stool. It had to go. Good thing I had bigger plans:) And, did it all for only the cost of the stool ($3.00).

My original thought was to paint your name on it. But once I got the stensil on it, I wasn't thrilled. So, I grabbed my scrapbooking paper that Grandma M. bought for your first birthday party and Mod Podged the heck out of it! Here's how...

1) Panted that crazy cat all five times. (used trim paint that we had)

2) Cut a piece of 12X12 scrapbook card stock to match the size of the top of the stool (paper from your bday party)

3) Cut your initial out of another piece of card stock from same set using a stencil)

4) Painted Mod Podge on top of the stool, placed the cut piece of card stock carefully on top...let dry completely (already had Mod Podge ...of course!)

5)Once dry, Mod Podged over the top of the stool again.

6) Place initial on wet Mod Podge where it looked right...Let dry.

7) Mod Podged over the top of the initial.


Easy, fun, and now you can get into more than you are now (including washing your hands)!

-love mommy

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Flourishing Language

Dear Ella,

As your know from previous  posts, you are a communicating maniac! You are putting together two word signs/phrases, answering yes/no questions, and repeat almost everything we say. Some new ones include: "Hudson", "Alice", hop, ouch, please, help, doggy, daddy, cat, owl, horse, cow, turtle, cracker (good sign!), pap (paci), doggie eat". Your signs are becoming so much more clear as are your words. We can decipher most of what you say, and if we don't get it right the first time, you try and try until we do. Here is a video of a few signs/words.

-love Mom

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wish Wash

You love the color red, love dogs, love your paci, you eat most anything (I do have to blend most of your veggies into smoothies), , you love to climb up and down the stairs, you like to carry your blanket and animals out of your crib after nap time, you love calling to daddy, you LOVE signing time, you carry out two step related commands, you love ice cream, and you enjoy "helping" me with the dishes.

You are a great baby and wonderful daughter.


Dear Ella,

Yes, I am still a little confused where we are with this one. Typically you will ask to nurse once every 48 hours. What I want to know is...what in the heck are you getting when you nurse that infrequently? Is it just for comfort? I'm I being  used as a pacifier? Whatever it is, I don't mind...just as long as we aren't doing this dance when you're four.

PS. I secretly hope that you continue at least until the end of the month so I can use it as a secret weapon on the airplane to CA!

-love M.


Dear Ella, 

Today during your "nap" time you pooped, removed your diaper, played with it (by played with it, I mean used it like paint...all over your body), and THEN whined for us to attend to you. I took pictures; but, unfortunately the card wasn't in the camera. Gross, that's all I have to say.

Love you even when you poop and smear it,


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Here we go a Camping!

Dear Ella,

We went camping this weekend. Don't tell your dad; but, I did it for him:) I knew it would probably be a struggle. I mean, what can a one year old who is just learning to walk and wants to walk everywhere going to do on a steep, rocky, broken glass filled campground? Nothin' but trouble. Daddy did hook up a hammock. You enjoyed swinging in it...until you face-planted out of it onto the ground. You enjoyed walking around as I held your hand; but you ended up falling more than walking. You enjoyed looking a the bugs, and let several of them into our tent. You enjoyed standing on the camping chairs right next to the fire; but, I quickly decided that wasn't a good spot for you either. You enjoyed eating your PB&J sandwich without a bib and definitely without having your hands wiped off. You enjoyed acting like you were caught in a net trap when we zipped you in the tent for the night. You enjoyed snuggling to sleep in my sleeping bag, under my arm, under my leg, next to my face, and on top of my stomach.

You loving the tent

Big Smiles!

The cooler is the new fridge...

PBJ Time!

This is literally right before you flipped out of the hammock and face planted on the dirt. Daddy felt HORRIBLE for not catching you! You were totally fine!

Turned out to be a nice night...with a sprinkle

Overall, I'd say you had a blast! I, however, am exhausted. Daddy had a good time too.

He drank beer, built a fire, took pictures, and enjoyed the vista. I loved watching you and daddy enjoy yourselves so much. And, you took a wonderful nap when you got that was worth it all!

I love you baby!


Friday, June 8, 2012


Dear Ella,

You walk! On June 8th you took your first steps. Confession, I bribed you...with ice cream. It totally worked! Your two little feet followed your determination and you walked several steps to the ice cream filled spoon. The next day you walked at least 10 steps on your own. Now, you walk across the room with confidence. So, I will be able to write on every medical questionnaire that I fill our for you, that at 13.5 months, you took your first steps. As always, I am proud of you. As always, in your own timing, and always on time.