Monday, May 21, 2012

Chitter Chatter

Dear Ella,
You just woke up from a one hour and 20 min. nap. Good effort. I was able to read the Bible and...waste time on other things until just now. Hold on, let me go pick you up....

Okay, now that you are secure in my lap (according to you, the only right place to be), we can continue. Briefly.

I decided that this blog would be the easiest way for me to capture our moments as a family, that we may otherwise forget the details of. I'd been writing to you in another journal since you were born. But, out of fear of not being able to retrieve it later on, this was created.

Post number one

As you know from reading earlier journals, you are an avid signer. If we haven't taught you the sign for a word, you will make one up. Not kidding. You sign two word phrases a lot. But, just recently you are trying to SAY most of what we say. Our conversations go like this, "Ella, say dog "da", Ella say boat "bo", Ella say duck "du!", Ella say grandpa " papa". You get the idea. Confession: sometimes I actually wish you didn't say so much. But, I know how beautiful it is and I love it. I'm proud of you.
-Love mommy

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