Saturday, February 22, 2014

Selfless Love

Dear Ella,

Today I witnessed you engage in your (what I've seen) first selfless act without being prompted. I almost cried. You held the beauty of a thousand princesses at this very moment.

We were outside for a walk today. Just the two of us. We couldn't find your hats before leaving so I had you wear mine. You thanked me...for letting you wear my hat. Of course, what was the alternative? It was SO windy and cold out.

As we walked down the sidewalk I turned my back to the wind and walked backwards, facing you. As I put my hood up to keep the wind off my head, you so sweetly said, "You want your hat, mom?", and you began taking it off your own head. Darling girl, you break my heart with your tender, sweet soul every single day; but, today you tipped the scale. You are a truly beautiful daughter of God.

And...I love you.

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