Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Dear Ella

We've had a lot to celebrate recently!

In early February, we celebrated Abby's 2nd birthday! She had a box fort, yummy cake, and lots of fun.  Abby even blew out her candle!

A few weeks later, we celebrated Millie's 2nd birthday! She had a Sesame Street party with games and yummy food. 
At the end of February, we flew to Iowa to see our family. We made it in time to celebrate Jacob's 5th birthday!  He had a Mario party and we all wore mustaches and ate Princess Peach-Os! 

Unfortunately, you had a terrible stomach bug from the moment we arrived. You pulled it together for cute pictures; but, felt terrible every time you ate anything :(. I hate when you are sick, but love cuddling you all day.
You love your baby Noah
We flew home a few days later, you were an angel on the flight. Thank goodness there was an extra seat for you. Aunt Diana gave you felt cupcakes which kept you busy for a long time!

I love you.


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