Sunday, January 6, 2013

Swim Lessons

Dear Ella,

You started swim lessons this week. From the moment we arrived at Donna's Dolphin's Swim School you were so excited! We got in the pool and, although you clung to me tightly, I could tell you were excited and curious. First we kicked, then we dipped our ears, and finally our faces into the water. You were a champ! I think it helped that you watched the other kids do it first.

I think you're going to be a good swimmer. Maybe one day you'll swim with your Aunt Rae!

Love, Mom

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas at Grammy and PapPap's

Dear Ella,

We spent this Christmas in Redding, CA.  I'm not going to lie, I was DREADING this trip. Okay, not the  time in Redding just getting there and getting back. The last time we'd traveled there, you were 14 months old. We came home more frazzled and exhausted than I ever swore to be after a "vacation" again. did beautifully! It's amazing what 6 months of growing up can do for travel! You even fell asleep in my arms on the airplane, both ways! Amazing.

Overall you had a blast. Grammy and PapPap got up with you early every morning (Thanks for that, J&B!), and you played the day away. You spent some great time with Aunt Ashley and Aunt Kim; but, missed Aunt Beth as she finished her semester of school in Australia. 

Christmas morning was a hit. Aunt Kim "won" with the gift giving. The first item you opened was a pair of black and white shoes. You ran around the house for 10 minutes yelling " I got shoes, I got shoes". It was hilarious. Her second gift to you was a huge cardboard train. I think that kept you the most busy while we were there. 

 You also received a book that Grammy had written just for you! It's called "Ella Belle's Umbrella". She even had the umbrella from your story!

We took a few walk and picked up acorns, played at the mall, and hiked nearby. You built a snowman on the hike with daddy. 

Your daddy and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary while we were there AND Grammy had family pictures set up for all of us!

Thanks for being such a trooper

Love, Mommy

Life at 20 months

Dear Ella,

I think when you go through big changes that make your dad and I say, "man, it seems like she's growing up.", is when I realize that I better keep documenting our thoughts, feeling, and photos of you.

The New:
For one, you love to sing. Sometimes you will sing repetitive parts to songs you already know (Baby Signing Time, Jingle Bells, etc). Sometimes you make up your own tune and just hum while eating or playing.

Secondly, your pretend play has become so much more advanced. There are times that you will be in your play kitchen eating play food, drinking from play cups, feeding you play baby, and talking to her all the same. You seem more like a kid than a toddler in these moments.

Third, (and this is a big one), you gave up your pacifier! Traded it for a good ole banana and threw it away. Yes, you cried for 10 minutes the first night but have been sleeping soundly since. Once in awhile you'll ask for it; but, I just remind you it's in the garbage and that only babies need pacifiers. Then you're good to go.

Fourth, you have been very clingy lately. Many people think it could be the way that you somehow know that mommy is carrying another baby...orrrrrrr it's just teeth ;).

Fifth, you HATE us looking at you if you are dirtying your diaper. I think toilet training is your next New Year's Resolution!

Last, you have a new baby cousin, Noah. You are obsessed with Noah. Every baby you see now is Noah. Even baby Jesus was Noah. Love!
There are probably a thousand other things I'm forgetting; but, I'm going to take those moments when I remember what they are, and cherish them in my heart instead of on the computer.

I love you Sweet One,