Saturday, August 25, 2012

Your Week At-A-Glance!

Dear Ella, 

In case you will ever wonder what kinds of things we did when you were 16 months old, wonder no longer...

We play at the park....a LOT  

We try new foods. Most of which you like:)

We wear our hair in spiky pony tails!

We try on bras (readers, don't judge. It was irresistible)

These are the things I found "stashed" in your wagon today (Daddy's water bottle, Daddy's old phone,  Biscuit book, Grandma's book, a box of Freeze Off, Mom's water bottle, and your sweatshirt). Other things I find in there include your pacifier, my toothbrush, the mail key, and many other important things that randomly go missing.
We put on makeup (see right eyebrow). Yes, you did this all on your own while I was showering.

We camp out in display tents

That's only the beginning of Adventures in Ella's World. Stay tuned for more...

Love, Mommy

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Feeding the Chickens- K Group Style

Dear Ella, 
We love K-Group at the Bolton's (really, we just LOVE K Group!). However, at the Bolton's you get to feed the chickens! You threw seeds a few times; mostly, you tried to pet them. They weren't too fond of the petting. I love that you have little fear of most things in life. You reach for pointy beaked chickens, pick up beetles, run down steep hills, and LOVE swinging high into the air. 

Love, Mommy

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New (sorta) Toys!

Dear Ella,

Your new obsessions are pull toys and puzzles. You've had these toys for months, and they are finally getting the wear they deserve. These once neglected toys are now getting pulled, tugged, slammed, and smashed until their toy heart is content. You are pretty sure that even your push cart is a pull toy.

I love watching you twist and turn your hand to fit the inset pieces of the puzzle in just right. I don't even know where these things fall on the developmentally appropriate scale, and I kinda like that. I'm just enjoying watching you learn new things without thinking about ages and stages.

Pause for the camera

you were really fast = difficult to get on camera:)

Oops...we lost the rest of the train; aw well

Monday, August 13, 2012

Learning to Pray

Dear Ella,

If I had to choose a favorite moment this week, I wouldn't choose the times you peeked around the curtains and said "hi mommy!", I wouldn't pick the time you helped me sort silverware, I wouldn't even choose you giving me your first spontaneous kiss on the mouth; I would choose the moment you prayed.

I knew you watched us. I knew you listened. What I didn't know, is how much you understood. Until now.

Tonight, during our usual bedtime prayer, you intentionally stopped talking and looked at my face for a moment. Immediately, your eyes become slivers like you do when pretending to be asleep. I watched you with my own half-closed eyes as I found your behavior new and fascinating (usually, you just lay your head on my shoulder when we pray). When I said "Amen", your eyes shot open, still holding my gaze.

You're getting it. Your starting to understand the cadence of a prayer, the reverence for the one we are praying to, the quiet and gentle spirit that we hone in on when talking to our Lord.

I know, dear baby, that young children have such amazing spiritual wonder. One that we, as adults have somehow lost along the way. I know you know Jesus by the way you look  for Him when we talk about Him. I pray that when we talk to Jesus that you are able to see his face for a very long time into your little life. Remember his face, dear girl.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Family Vacation in Estes Park

Dear Ella,
Our Mueller family spent the week in Estes Park. It had been three years since we'd been there last. You loved everything about our trip. Playing with your cousins, alone time with Grandma, hiking outdoors, riding mechanical horses, etc... 

It always seems like the picture is tipped when we take it on these rocks:)
Hike to Flattop Mt

Isaac and you on the tire swing- Y camp

Little rock climber


climbing the pole- y camp

playing in the sandbox 

Aunt Rae and you

Disk Golf- Y camp

Family vest action

Rock Climbing

Fun Center

Dream Lake

spray painting our vests

Elk at the bottom of our road

your first doughnut

riding in style

After dinner treats. You really enjoyed BBQ!

Jake showing off his vest

man vests
girl vests

Grandpa and E.

eating blueberries with Grandma

Emerald Lake

Hike down

random hat


tummy kisses

family vests

You were totally picking your nose
 We made many memories.
