Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Dear Ella,

Disclaimer:  I don't think "Pumpkining" is an appropriate activity, and I never want to hear that you completed this action later in your life. It was just the only word that came to mind when reflecting on the day.

Your Daddy is AMAZING. He planned an entire family day, in the middle of the week! Daddy took off work and announced that we were going to visit Happy Apple Farm...aka 'pumpkin patch'. Be mindful that we'd planned to do this the past few weekends; but, things "came up". So, he announced it...Family Day Wednesday!

On our way there, we stopped at (insert very trendy coffee joint) and used up a gift certificate that had been burning a hole in my purse. Thank you, Caleb.

You fell asleep, and I read...for fun...for the duration of the drive there. (Large sigh of enjoyment)

We took a hay ride. We saw pumpkins. You sat on pumpkins (yes, more than one). You picked a pumpkin.You sat on pallets. You had pictures taken in the witch's cauldron. You had pictures taken in front of and behind signs. However, hands down, THE best activity was picking raspberries! It was late in the season so the gentleman allowed us to pick and eat as many as we could find. We found a lot, and ate a lot. We even took some home. By the end of the day, you were an all star raspberry picker.

On our way home, we made a few stops that I'd been putting off. Thanks again, Caleb!

A wonderful Family Day Wednesday, indeed.
Hay Ride!

I kinda like this one!

What else would you do with a pumpkin?

This one's ours

Presidential wave


Queen of the patch, on top of ten palates

Daddy and E.

Why am I standing here?

how's this?

Get me away!


We lost her

First raspberry

SO good


This is funny that we are sticking our heads in this hole, Dad

our loot.

Love, mom

Some 13 to Remember

Dear Ella,

These are 13 things about you that I never want to forget.

1. You love rap and classical music the same...your dance to each is equally as awesome.

2. You have little baby hair on your legs. It stands up when your cold. Adorable.

3. You sing.
4. You love to watch vehicles (trucks, bus, train); and when you hear one, you know exactly which it is.

5. I think you are remembering your dreams. Mostly because you say really random stuff when you wake up.

6. Spontaneous hugs and kisses...ahhhh.
7. You went poop in the potty!....well, finished pooping in the potty:)

8. You pretend food is an airplane.

9. You spotted your shadow for the first time. Now whenever we walk down the sidewalk you point it out.
10. You say, "thank you" without us prompting you to.

11. You pretend to be animals. You literally growl and chase us.
12. When asked what you want to eat, what you ate, or what you are eating, you answer "banana"... every time.

13. When I tell you that you can have "one", you say, "two"... Oh boy.

I love you, and I'll never forget these sweet memories.

Love, Mommy