Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Friends

Dear Ella,

A family moved in two houses down. Twin five year olds, Emmie and Ainsley, a 15 month old, Meadow, and a very small dog, London. You love  playing with the girls. You call them your friends (sign). Everyday when we walk by their house, you ask to play. Sometimes it seems like you like the company of the girls; but, you LOVE the company of their little hairy dog. Unfortunately, they are only renting and will not be here for much longer. I'm glad to have this experience, though, to give me glimpse into our future of neighborhood play-dates with girlfriends. So sweet.

I love you.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Garden of the Gods

Dear Ella,

We recently had a couple of friends visit, Trent and Krista Tangen. Their visit gave us the perfect excuse to get out and play in our beautiful city again. We did several fun things; but, we especially enjoyed hiking in Garden of the Gods. We haven't been here with you for awile and it was fun to see you enjoying things in a new way....who are we kidding; you feel asleep for most of the hike:). You did have fun, however, walking around the lower park, saying the usual "hi" to everyone you saw, and pointing out a few "babies" to me (because you are clearly all grown up:). Overall, it was a nice visit with our friends.

Fun Hike!

Trent and Krista (and baby Tangen)

Car ride
Love, Mommy

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hop on Pop

Dear Ella,

You love this book. Your daddy loves reading it to you. It is precious in a mother's eyes:)


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pretty Picasso

Dear Ella, 
Today we got out daddy's water colors and created a beautiful painting. You seemed to have a lot of fun and asked for more paint until we ran out. 

 This is your emo shot:)

Love, Mommy

Thursday, July 12, 2012

So Formal.

Dear Ella,

We were invited for dinner with Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave tonight. As usual, you hammed it up as the star attraction in the "I'm Ella" show. Uncle Dave taught you how to shake hands. Now you won't even let him give you a high five...he's the hand shake man. You literally open his hand and close it around yours to let him know that anything less is unacceptable. I wish we had the camera on us.

I also attempted to sit down for about five minutes and write down as many words as I could think of that you say/sign. There are now only 3-5 signs that you do not attempt to say....Here's what we've got at 14.5 months.

Verbal: drink, smoothe, more, milk, bird, giraffe, bug, tiger, pig, chicken, goat, hot, cold, water, ouch, hurt, all done,  please, thank you, love you, hi, bye, monkey, chair, outside , nighnight, grapes, banana, cookie, cracker, juice, water, pizza, apple, watermellon, pineapple, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, shirt, belly, toes, feet, shoes, socks, glasses, book, mommy, mama, dada, daddy, dog, mahlah, puppy, cat, fish, color, pink, red, baby, girl, grandma, grandpa, Ashley, Beth, Ben, Issy, Alice, Hudson, flower, rock, play, ice cream, cracker, frog, horse, cow, sheep, swing, blue, no, mine, Ella, duck, turtle, boat, eat, poop, potty, hat, shirt...

...I think that's around 90 words! There are so many that I'm forgetting too. The fun part is that you add new words daily because you are repeating most of what we ask you to. Well done little lady.

Other things... you love putting peg like things into holes, and straws into the top of lids.You have been waking at 5:30 am....ICK! You love to draw. You had cookie dough for the first time. Daddy is your new obsession. Love this.

Look at my picture, mom!

Cookie Dough


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Social Butterfly

Dear Ella,

You are the most friendly little girl that I've ever known. No matter where we are or who you see, you always take it upon yourself to greet everyone you pass. The Walmart cashier, the business man on the street, the little girl in the store, the neighborhood dogs...everyone. Sometimes you even greet inanimate objects (if you think they are cool enough). The best part is that you don't stop smiling, waving, and saying "hi" until the other person responds:) This is awesome. Some people are so grumpy and try not to pay attention; but, you ALWAYS rope them in. They fundamentally return the smile and say "hi" back to you...every time.

Sometimes, I am that grumpy person. It works on me too:) I need to remember that kindness is almost always returned with kindness when sincerely offered.

Thank you for the life lesson.


Friday, July 6, 2012

Princess For a Week!

Dear Ella,

This week we traveled by aircraft to visit Grammy and Pap Pap in Redding, CA. It didn't take you long to figure out that all eyes were on you...all week:) Regardless of being completely and wonderfully spoiled by your Grandparents (including Papa Peter), Great Aunt Debbie, Grammy's friends, and your four adoring Aunts (Beth, Kim, Ashley, and Rae), you did a wonderful job being out of routine for a week. Sure, the flights and car rides were exhausting keeping you busy the whole way; and the first few nights were rough (sorry Debbie and Beth); you eventually fit right into the groove for the week.

We did so many fun things!

Went for walks/runs around the neighborhood, swam in Grammy's pool, visited the lavender fields, played in the nursery at Bethel Church, went hiking, read lots of books, went thrifting, ate yummy food, and played lots of games!

It was so nice to have Aunt Beth visiting from Australia while we were there! Aunt Debbie was there for a few days too! To top it off, Papa Peter and Aunt Rachael drove through and said "hi" on their way up the coast.

So much family and so much fun! We couldn't have asked for a more memorable trip.


           This July 2012 (14 months)                                                      Last July (3 months)

 We took this same picture last year!                             
  But, for some reason, I cut myself out of it:( 

Signing Time with Aunt Debbie

 pool games

wagon ride with Pap Pap

 Peek-a-Boo with Aunt Beth


Visit from Aunt Rae

Aunt Beth and Ella

Lassen Volcano

Pap Pap

Beautiful Lavender Fields